Meet the Team

Ryann: Education and Curriculum Specialist

I live in the Midwest with my husband, who is a pastor and engineer, and our six children ranging in age from 1 to 19.  Our oldest son is in college and second happily attends a local private school. I homeschool my three elementary/middle school aged kids with an active toddler in the mix as well! With an education degree in Family and Consumer Science, I enjoyed my years in the classroom, but am blessed to now be using my passion for teaching at home. I love the daily opportunities I have to weave our family faith and values into our learning, and I also appreciate the personalized attention I can give to each of my children’s learning struggles and strengths.

I enjoy warm cups of tea, family trips, key lime pie, problem-solving, date nights, and sending real estate listings I’ve found to friends who may or may not be in the market for a new home.  I study homeopathy, can spend hours in craft or fabric stores, and love coming up with great projects that my husband can take on around the house.

Megan: Marketing and Social Media Guru

I’m Megan, co-owner of Little Green Schoolhouse Books, and I’m also Ryann’s sister.  My husband and I recently made a move back to the area where I grew up, and are settling into a new home and community.  I’m a professional photographer, as well as a homeschool mom to my son and daughter. I love the flexibility of homeschooling, as we are an active family that loves to be on the move.  My son has some medical needs, so it’s also important to me to be able to structure and schedule our school time around when he is feeling well. And above all, I treasure the amount of time I can spend with my children (and mischievous dog) each day.  

I love Starbucks pink drinks, sleeping under multiple comforters, and outdoor activities like hiking, camping, running, and gardening.  I’m a Disney enthusiast, have plans to visit as many national parks as possible, and am always mentally designing our next vacation - sometimes even in the middle of a current one!

Laura:  Communications Specialist

I’m Laura, mom to a 16-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son, and wife of my high school sweetheart.  As the daughter of two career-long public school teachers, I never pictured myself homeschooling. But nine years have passed since I decided we’d give it a “one-year” try, and I’ve never looked back!  I love the quality of education I’m able to give my kids at home, and the rhythm of our school days together. We have a great community of families around us who have chosen this path as well, as the popularity of home education in our area continues to grow tremendously.

I love words, traveling, our goldendoodle, sarcastic GIFs, sparkling water, and way too many television shows.  I’m a podcast addict, can’t go a day without coffee, have a Friends quote for any situation, and believe that cake over pie is the only answer every single time.